Orange Glazed Pork Tenderloin is perfect if you are looking for something quick, easy and delicious to throw on the grill or in the oven this week. Only...
Lobster meat deserves some luxury and this recipe delivers. The tomato cream sauce is rich and luxurious and makes a perfect partner for tender lobster...
Easy Baked Chicken Meatballs are a total family favorite! You'll love how easy they come together. They can be eaten plain, or served up in classics like...
Greek eggplant and rice! This easy one-pot meal is a perfect solution for a weeknight (or any night). Fresh eggplant, tomatoes, herbs, and mizithra cheese...
Easy Creamed Hamburger Gravy is an old fashioned classic dish made of ground beef, creamy milk, a few staple pantry items, and lots of love. This is a...
We love this Veggie Loaded Tuna Salad Recipe for sandwiches and salads. This easy peasy recipe is pescatarian, gluten-free, and loaded with vegetables...
These Beef and Sausage Meatballs are tender, juicy and full of Italian herbs for a rich flavor. Add pasta and marinara sauce for an "Italian Night" at...
Major comfort food! A homogeneous blend of ground beef, pork and veal with seasonings, herbs and spices that combine to form unique flavor is in a tender...
Lusciously creamy, easy to make, and a family favorite dinner! This Crock Pot Chicken Alfredo is great for serving a crowd, or store half in the freezer...
Lemon roasted cauliflower, steamed broccoli, avocado, spinach and seeds topped with creamy lemon tahini sauce for a healthy and delicious, low-carb plant-based...
Cheesy Hot Dog Tater Tot Casserole is pure comfort food. Sliced hot dogs, chili, tater tots, and cheddar cheese combine to make an easy and delicious meal....
This Easy Lemon Butter Fish only takes 15 minutes and a handful of ingredients. It's a delicious and nutritious. Pair with rice and vegetables for a healthy...
This Old Fashioned Meatloaf recipe is tender, juicy, and covered in a tangy topping - just the way Grandma made it! It's a classic made with lean ground...
It's very possible these are the best carnitas you'll ever have! This Beer Braised Carnitas recipe is full of authentic flavor and are super easy to make...
Baked cod puttanesca is an quick and easy seafood dish that uses prepared sauce and makes it spicy by boosting it with kalamata olives, capers, and red...
This delicious oven baked Italian sausage is my go-to weeknight dinner! I always keep a package of Italian sausages in the freezer so I can stick it in...
Corn tortillas are filled with tender, shredded chicken, black beans, and fresh spinach. Then, smothered in two contrasting sauces for one amazing Chicken...
A delightfully flavorful and easy-to-prepare meal, Vietnamese fried rice calls for simple ingredients and can be ready to eat in less than 30 minutes....
This recipe is basically a chicken stew. It is best to use smoked chicken or at the least, grilled chicken. If you do not have either, any chicken will...
In this super simple recipe that uses only two ingredients, it's the method that matters. Slow Cooker Taco Meat is made using lean beef and, thanks to...
This is one of my go-to Italian recipes when I am short on time and want something quick and healthy with my pasta! Dinner is ready by the time pasta is...
This vegetable red curry is easy to make, customizable to whatever veggies you have on hand and perfect for a quick and easy weeknight dinner. Serve with...
Steaming is a moist-heat method of cooking that has been in use for centuries. Our steamed salmon is moist and succulent with a mild lemon, garlic and...
This easy Mediterranean Lasagna is loaded with a layer of creamy feta cheese sauce, classic ricotta, plenty of mozzarella, artichoke hearts, sun-dried...
These Skillet Chicken Thighs are the best, pan-seared boneless skinless chicken thighs ever! This stove-top cooking method is simple to follow, even for...